Social Media


How Should You be Using Social Media for Lead Generation?

It's time to not only get aboard, but to optimize each of your social media channels so that they not only engage but, also capture leads.  Consider the following...


    One-third of B2B buyers use social media to engage with their vendors and 75% expect to use social media in future purchase processes.


    60% of B2B companies have acquired a customer through Linkedin, followed by 60% through company blogs, 43% via Facebook and 40% through Twitter.


    Marketers rate social media as the 2nd most important factor (64%) in organic search success, behind only effective web pages (82%)

    Social media allows an organization to use "fun," interactive and often times, different content than it might otherwise be able to use with only a corporate website.  Through this media, businesses may be available to prospects and customers in a personable and accessible manner.  The casual nature of this type of marketing becomes strategic for nurturing leads or early-developing prospects.  At the same time, it helps maintain "top-of-mind" presence.

    So the question is..."How should You be using Social Media?"